26/04/2024 - 28/07/2024 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Lee Wing Kie / 0364251
Design Research Dissertation / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Compilation & Reflection


TASK 1: Dissertation Draft

TASK 2: Final Dissertation TURNITIN Report

TASK 3: Visual Design Publication

TASK 4: Research for Article Publication


Week 2
Specific Feedback:
- To answer the first research question, more want to emphasize more that it is more design related (which means it will slowly lead to the other theme)
- The intro should just start with interface design, or maybe the intro can also discuss the metaverse in a bit more detail. What are the main true factors that affect engagement based on your literature review, as well as the primary data collected.

Week 3
General Feedback: 
Think about how to explain the flow, and the flow will be.

Specific Feedback:
- Research problems do not need to be capitalized as it is not a title. - The citation Sustainability (2022) changed to Lee & Gu (2022).
- Didn’t see anything related to cultural tourism in the literature.
- 5.1 heading is also a que, doesn’t answer the first research question. Need to further explain about it.

Week 4
General Feedback: 
Can add one more citation in the discussion.

Specific Feedback:
- List table
- 5.1.2 Make a short intro.
- Entertainment needs more explanation of my data.
- Immersive design session, provide some quantitative data to support your points, and cite what the participants suggest.
- Fig 5.2 recommends changing it to show what a Mixed Reality device looks like.
- Give some examples of what personalization means and add Fig 5.4.
- Recap the question when doing 5.2, and list the effective ways (further explained in 5.2.1 or 5.2.2) first, then discuss.

Week 5
General Feedback: 
- Double check the citation of P. John (2022) and correct it.
- Change the requirement type font.
- Literature review gives a bit of a review of the strengths, (Put at research & conclusion paragraph) to show your evaluation a little bit.

Specific Feedback:
Session 2.1
- Second paragraph can be changed to “Both studies use similar methodologies, which are surveys and interviews.”
- Third paragraph, says what’s the difference between the two articles. 
Session 2.2
- Third paragraph, no need the word “However” because both papers use the same methods.
Session 2.3
- Recommend not including it in the literature review, but can reserve it for the conclusion section.
5.2.1 Session
- Giving some visual example (destinations with 360 degree)
- Last paragraph, include literature to support it and cite it.
5.2.2 Session
- First paragraph, giving some example(understandable menus, instructions)
- Last second paragraph, the respondent's comments can be supported by one of the literature reviews - Buhalis & Karatay (2022).

Week 6
General Feedback: 
Source link don’t put below the figure, , will put it in picture credits content.

Specific Feedback:
- Third & fourth paragraph, use the finding of the research, let the reader know the concluding is from the discussion of the finding, include it where is acclipable.
- Six paragraph, not necessary to include
- Before ending the conclusion, talk about the limitations of the research. (exp: time limit, respondent not enough…)
- Future recommendation can put in ‘project design recommendation’ session, can suggest further research or design projects.

Week 7
Specific Feedback:
- Add more words (finding, found out from research and conclusion)
Table of contents
- Add “Appendices”
- Six paragraphs, overall, lack understanding of what to suggest and further improve (exp: Perhaps a more detailed study into the sentiment of the users could be research, could be another angle future researcher could look into…)
- Seven paragraphs, does not telling why saying this, still confused when read
- After summarize the finding, it will be good if inform that “Therefore, the researcher has addressed the research problem”
Research Methodology
- Explain why a survey form is suitable and discuss its pros, cons, and weaknesses as a research method

Week 8
Independent Learning Week

Week 9
Specific Feedback:
- The color scheme aligns with selection.
- For the "Futured" typeface can use on the book cover, need to test if it is suitable for the heading in the book.
- Book cover lacks a futuristic feel,  its purpose is not fulfilled.
Layout inspiration session
- The middle reference may not be suitable for an ebook because we're designing for an A5 book.
- The monotone idea might work. The layout on the right seems to be the answer for now.

Week 10
General Feedback:
The typeface, book cover and layout references chosen all okay, can start working on the e-book design.

Week 11
Specific Feedback:
E-book design
- Cover page title is too long.
- Font size is too big  and needs to be adjusted.
- Put the name.
Other page
- Title and imprint page need to be added.
- Recommend using the color scheme for the words "01" and "Introduction."
- Don't forget to include page numbers.
- Image caption size is too big.

Week 12
Specific Feedback:
Kreate (Introduction)
- Start by introducing what the metaverse is, and why it is interesting in cultural tourism. - Provide background information only. 
- Explain why metaverse is an interesting new way to learn about cultural heritage.

Week 13
Specific Feedback:
Kreate (Introduction)
-Put the citation.
Finding & Discussion
-Write in paragraphs.
-What about your google survey? What does it say in their user experience?
Optimizing VR/AR/MR for Tourism part
- Describe your data, why you recommend these two suggestions.
- How many responses percentage in gamification of them more engage with the Metaverse? Brief in data here.


Design Research Dissertation is a continuation of Research Methodology, so we are still on track from where we started. The most challenging part of this module for me is Task 1 Dissertation Draft. We need to create a final version, not starting from scratch, because we can use material from our previous Research Methodology module. However, most of the time, I would say I am in writing mode hahah. After completing the dissertation draft, the interesting part is creating the e-book. This is very fun and enjoyable. I also greatly appreciate the previous Advanced Typography class, which taught me how to use the InDesign app, making it easy to create my own e-book for this module. Designing the e-book makes this module less boring HAHAHAH! As we can use color and pictures to make it look more fun. Make this module is not just about research, also have design.

I am very happy to have met all the people in this module. Not only have my research skills become more solid, but I have also gained a lot of knowledge and experience here. Another important aspect is learning about time management. When working on Task 1, it was a bit challenging because we also had other module projects at the same time. The due dates are reasonable. For this module, I think discipline is also very important because if you miss one class, then your progress will slow down compared to your coursemates. However, if you attend every class, then progress won't be a big issue. Just follow the lecturer's advice on what needs to be improved and changed. Overall, the learning experience has been quite good and has helped me learn more about myself. I greatly appreciate my lecturer, Ms. Jinchi, who always provides the best support and advice to help students make better progress. 
