26/04/2024 - 02/08/2024 (Week 1 - Week 15)
Lee Wing Kie / 0364251
Minor Project / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Compilation


Project Briefing


Project Name: Unicorn (Group 6) -  Brandialogue
Client: Ms Zae, Mr.Damien

Group Member: 
Lee Wing Kie
Koay Zi En
Yeoh Khai Xuan
Rachel Ng ZiQi
Koh Sin Yi
Glen Owen

Task 1: Innovative Project Proposal

Miro Board

Fig 1.1 Miro Board - PDF

Contextual Research

Fig 1.2 Contextual Research - PDF


Fig 1.3 User Persona - PDF

Survey Question & Analysis

Fig 1.4 Survey question & analysis - PDF

Presentation Proposal

Design Progression
Here are the designs that I created. I'm responsible for creating the website design and the prototype. I used the website references found by my groupmate as inspiration and started thinking about the user flow. Our website is mainly for selling unicorn plush toys. Therefore, the main focus is on having a shop page and a smooth order process.

User flow
Fig 2.1 Website user flow

After finishing and finalizing the user flow, I started creating the website wireframe using Figma.

Fig 2.2 Website wireframe

After finishing the proposal presentation, we realized our group's website direction was a bit off. Initially, we thought that if all the products were related to the unicorn theme, there would be no problem. After the presentation, we were informed that we need to create a website for custom unicorn plush toys. So, in the end this will be our main focus.

For the final part, I continued working on the website design and prototype, revised the direction to get back on track, and also took responsibility for creating the social media content design.

Social Media 
Since our product is plush toys, I used the Instagram posts of the famous plush toy brand 'Jellycat' as references. All the social media post designs were completed in Adobe Illustrator.

Fig 3.1 Social media post references

Fig 3.2 Social media post progress in Adobe Illustrator

Fig 3.3 IG mockup

Fig 3.4 Sneak Peak - post 1

Fig 3.5 Sneak Peak - post 2

Fig 3.6 Sneak Peak - post 3

Fig 3.7 Brand Value - post 1

Fig 3.8 Brand Value - post 2

Fig 3.9 Why choose us - all post

Fig 3.10 Our service - post 1

Fig 3.11 Our service - post 2

Fig 3.12 Our service - post 3

After finishing all the social media posts, other group members thought the colors didn’t really match our color palette and the unicorn theme, but the content and pictures can stay. So our group member Rachel helped to change the colors.

Fig 3.13 Final version of all social media post content

Final Version Presentation Slides

Fig 4.1 Final presentation slides

Final Website (High-Fidelity Prototype)
After finishing the social media content session, I continued with the website design and created the prototype, adding elements, colors, and pictures to complete the website. At the end, Zien, Glen, Sin Yi, and I discussed the color palette and decided to use a color theme more related to unicorns. We chose bright and vibrant colors to ensure the palette looks fun, active and energetic.

Fig 5.1 Color palette of our website

Fig 5.2 All the component

Fig 5.3 Prototype flow

Fig 5.4 Final homepage, shopping page and shopping page details

Fig 5.5 Our three services: shopping page details

Fig 5.6 About Us page, FAQ page and Community page

Fig 5.7 Contact Us page and Profile

Final Website



This semester was really stressful, but I’ve finally completed everything. This curriculum taught me how to work with real clients and collaborate with group members to create a new branding concept. I’d say this is the most challenging module, and working with a good team can make the process much more efficient. The theme was quite difficult, even though we did a lot of research and surveys. I’m very thankful to our lecturer, Mr. Mike, for his patience and for consulting with us every week to ensure we were on the right path.

In this curriculum, I was in charge of the UI/UX part, which is design the website. At the beginning, I felt stressed and struggled a bit because the colors I used not very suitable. I really appreciate Mr. Mike for providing us with examples and references that inspired me a lot. I was also responsible for designing social media content. This taught me a lot about designing effective posts for social media.

Overall, the branddialogue topic is quite suitable for a graphic design background. I learned a lot of knowledge like branding, awareness, value propositions and etc. This module gave me a new perspective on design, we didn’t just learn design but also the fundamentals of business. How to start from scratch, build a brand, and create value for consumers. It was a very interesting module, and I’m grateful to have taken it this semester.
