15/07/2024 - 26/07/2024 (Week 13 - Week 14)
Lee Wing Kie / 0364251
Application Design I / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Assignment 3: Final Project


Final Project
In this project, we need to synthesize the knowledge and skills gained from Assignment 1, 2, and 3 to create a complete and functional application prototype.

Task requirements
- A high-fidelity, interactive prototype of your mobile application using a prototyping tool via Figma.
- A short explainer video, no more than 10 minutes (optional, but highly encouraged) demonstrating the key functionalities of your application.
- A slides outlining your design process, including:
    1. User personas
    2. User flow diagrams (refined from Assignment 3)
    3. A style guide outlining your application's visual identity (colors, fonts, etc.) 

Hi-Fi Prototype

Presentation Slides

Presentation Video


Throughout the journey of creating the low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes, I found the experience very enjoyable. Designing the app involved many challenges, such as creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface, meeting the client's design needs, and ensuring that the app’s design is current and not outdated. Overall, it was a rewarding experience and also allowed me to appreciate the process of app design. 

I also greatly appreciate my lecturer and coursemate who always take care of and provide feedback on my work. Their input has been very helpful and has significantly improved my work. I am very looking forward to the Application Design II module in the coming semester, hope to continue learning a lot.
